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At-Home Veterinary Services

Our At-Home Veterinarians in Toronto Will Bring Pet Medical Care to Your Home

Sometimes life makes it difficult to get your pets to their vet visits. Busy schedules and nervous pets can make this task nearly impossible, but with a house call vet in Toronto, you’ll never have to worry about transporting your furry friend to the vet. A car ride alone is enough to put your pet on edge, but combine that with the unfamiliar environment, scents and noises of a vet office and your pet can become very stressed. Not to mention your pet may have unpleasant memories associated with the vet office from previous visits. All of this can be avoided with a house call. At Bellamy-Lawrence Animal Hospital, we can send a vet directly to your home to make the appointment easier for you and your pet.

Services provided by our house-call vets in Toronto

Many of our pet health services can be provided during a house call visit, saving you the drive to our office. A home visit will put your pet at ease and prevent them from experiencing the anxiety of a car ride. Our house-call vets in Toronto provide all of the following:

  • Annual checkups
  • Vaccinations
  • Home euthanasia

While most of our standard services can be provided during our visit to your home, there are some services our house call vets in Toronto, Scarborough and Markham are not able to complete. Any service that requires heavy equipment cannot be done at your home, this includes blood tests, surgery, hospitalization and various other diagnostics. A house call also may not be the best idea if your animal is very sick and needs specialized attention.

Benefits For You And Your Pets

A veterinary house call can provide benefits to both you and your pets. Not only does it save you time, it also saves you and your pet the unnecessary stress of packing up and driving to a veterinary office. Here are some great reasons to choose a house call vet in Toronto, Scarborough and Markham to care for your pets:

It’s Convenient 

Getting a healthy pet to a checkup can be hard enough. It’s even more difficult if you have a senior pet or one that is handicapped in any way. If you have trouble transporting your pet whether due to its high energy or anxious personality or its large size, having a vet come to you will be more convenient.

Less Stress For Everyone

A car ride alone puts a lot of stress on any animal, making them anxious and nervous. In addition, many pets hate the animal hospital as they associate it with bad memories and experiences in the past. They can begin shaking or vocalizing before you even get them in the door. This in turn leads to a lot of stress on the owner because they don’t like putting their pet through any situation that makes them uncomfortable. A house call will totally eliminate the stressful trip to the vet and leave your pet feeling more relaxed.

Home Euthanasia

This is a difficult time for any pet owner as you have to say goodbye to your beloved furry friend. The ability to do this in the privacy of your own home will allow you the comfort and support you need. Not to mention being at home will ensure your pet is relaxed and comfortable in their final moments with you.

Rely on our Toronto & Scarborough house call vets

If you would like to learn more about our at-home vet services, please feel free to give us a call. We can provide house calls to patients in the Toronto, Scarborough, and Markham areas.