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Pet Vaccinations in Scarborough

Your pet can brighten your day, and you want to do your part to help them feel healthy and live a long life. At Bellamy-Lawrence Animal Hospital, we offer pet vaccines in Scarborough to protect your furry friend from various diseases and illnesses. We are passionate about helping your pet enjoy a healthy, happy life with our quality pet care.

When you visit our animal hospital, our friendly team consistently prioritizes you and your pet. You can trust that we will treat you and your cat or dog with respect and compassion, regardless of the reason for your visit. Whether you have a new kitten who needs their first round of vaccines or your adult dog needs their yearly exam, you can rely on our team. Contact us today to learn more about pet vaccines in Scarborough.

Does My Pet Need a Vaccine?

Yes. Pets need vaccines to protect them from diseases, parasites, and illnesses. Indoor and outdoor dogs and cats are susceptible to an array of health problems that vaccines can prevent, like rabies, Lyme disease, and kennel cough.

Vaccines expose your pet’s body to different diseases and teach their immune system how to fight those illnesses by creating their own antibodies that seek out and destroy the pathogens and prevent disease. Maintaining your pet’s vaccinations protects them from a number of illnesses that are spread through animal-to-animal contact or parasites like ticks and fleas. Vaccines prevent your pet from spreading a disease from animal to people, protecting you and your loved ones.

Benefits of Cat and Dog Vaccinations

There are many benefits to vaccinating your dog or cat, especially safeguarding their overall health. Since pets tend to hide injury or illness, vaccines are an important way to keep them healthy from diseases that would impact their health and shorten their lifespan. We ask questions about your pet’s lifestyle and consider their age before recommending which Scarborough vaccinations your dog or cat may need. Here are some of the benefits you and your pet can expect from cat and dog vaccinations:


The most notable and important benefit of maintaining your pet’s vaccinations is their health. Many diseases quietly harm your pet without creating exterior evidence of illness. That’s why vaccines are an effective way to protect your pet by and strengthening their immune system to fight off disease.


Many pet boarding establishments, grooming salons, and training schools require proof that your pet’s vaccines are current. By maintaining your pet’s vaccinations, your furry friend can enjoy access to these facilities.


More people are taking their pets with them on vacation, and that means you’ll need to provide documentation that your pet is up to date on its vaccines so it can travel freely abroad. Our team can provide international health certificates that reflect your pet’s vaccinations.

Our Pet Vaccine Process

We understand that you want your pet to feel safe and welcome wherever they go, which is why we take the time to get to know your dog or cat to nurture a trusting relationship. Our team believes that you know your pet better than anyone, so we’ll ask you questions to ensure we understand your pet’s habits, your concerns, and if there have been any behavioral changes.

The vet performs a gentle, thorough nose-to-tail examination of your pet, complete with noting their weight and height, oral health, an ear exam, and a yearly heart bloodwork test. We review their medical file to determine whether they’re due for a scheduled round of vaccines. We care about your pet’s comfort, which is why we perform the vaccinations quickly, so your pet isn’t stressed.

Pet Vaccinations FAQs

Protecting your furry friend is important, and it’s natural to have questions about different treatments and services. That’s why we encourage you to voice your concerns and questions. Our team is happy to provide the answers and insight you need to make an informed decision regarding your pet’s treatments. Here are some of the most common questions we receive about pet vaccines in Scarborough:

When should my pet be vaccinated?

Very young animals have developing immune systems and are susceptible to various diseases. Some pets may need to receive vaccines as early as four months old. We’ll carefully examine your pet to determine when it needs its vaccinations.

Which vaccinations does my pet need?

There are core vaccines that pets need to protect them from contagious diseases like rabies and distemper. Our team will create a vaccine treatment plan customized to your pet’s unique needs.

Does my pet need different vaccines in rural areas?

Yes. Your pet will encounter different diseases and viruses depending on where they spend the most time. Pets in rural areas are more likely to encounter ticks that spread Lyme disease, so it’s vital to keep your pet’s vaccinations current.

Reliable Pet Vaccines in Scarborough

Your pet is part of your family, and you want to keep them healthy and happy. At Bellamy-Lawrence Animal Hospital, we offer the vaccines your dog and cat need for a lifetime of cuddles and fun. We are dedicated to providing the quality care your pet needs through every stage of life. Whether your cat needs a vaccination certificate for travel or your dog is due for their yearly vaccines, you can count on our team to provide your pet’s vaccines in Scarborough. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.